So what's been new with Dan and Geneviève Flynn over the last 2 and a half months? A lot and a little I guess...first with work I suppose...Dan is still planting trees in the woods, his summer has not been super great, but then again, when is planting ever great? Let's just say we are both very happy that this is his last summer doing this...he's doing ok financially though, so it's not too bad, plus we found out that he will be able to carry over his 1,000$ scholarship from last year that he didn't use over to this year, plus the 1,000$ he's getting for this year, so in total we will be getting an extra 2k from Irving for his schooling (half his tuition basically), which is awesome, it's the only thing that makes planting worth it, otherwise his wage wouldn't be that much higher than if he had stayed here, but anyway, it's all good. We have been seeing each other most weekends, with a few exceptions here and there, but of course Dan is quite tired when he gets home, understandably, so we don't do all that much, although July was quite busy as far as travelling goes (more on that later I guess)...last week was his last week planting at the camp in Truro, but he is now gone to Fredericton to plant at the camp in NB for a few weeks since they still a ton of trees to plant and they need more people to get it done before the end of the we're hoping it won't be longer than 2 weeks, but it may end up being 3 or 4, we aren't sure....after that he is going to be taking 3 or 4 much deserved weeks off to relax and prepare for the fall and for school. So that's Dan's work, much simpler and more clear cut than mine at the moment.
My job is going well, but it's kind of in limbo right now. I am still working at the same job that I have been since December, with the Dept of Health Promotion and Protection. I still really enjoy it and have been adding new responsabilities here and there, especially regarding French resources. I've been extended I don't know how many times now, but it looks like my end date will be August 24th...possibly. I got some good news last week: after working as a Temp for 7 months (getting paid through Kelly Services and not by the government), they finally got it approved for me to be a 'Casual' (which means exactly the same thing as a Temp except that I get paid-a lot more-by the government and not by Kellys, I'm an offical government employee, which is nice to put on the resume...) Problem is that this position is only for another 6 weeks, so I'm only a Casual for 6 weeks, but if all goes well, I may be here longer...everyone here from the beginning said how much it was a shame that I was leaving, and jokes started about how I would come back next summer to do more work, blah blah...well ever since I got that raise, Dan and I have been talking about the possibility of me staying here in Halifax for the year in order to keep my job, since it's too good to pass up really, and he would go live in Springhill by himself for the year and then move back once school is I mentioned it to everyone here at work and thay are up for it, but now the question is whether they can find me a position to fill, since my position that I'm in now has already been advertised for, and they are planning on hiring someone to start at the beginning of September, since they assumed I was leaving (as did I) at the end of it's too late for me to apply to keep working where I am now, but there is a possibility that I could work in another department close to where I am now. Nathalie, the French coordinator that I've been working with a bit, is trying to help me find something, possibly in French with Acadian Affairs or with her department, which would be awesome, I could start an actual carreer, and in French too! So, as I said, nothing is for sure now, which makes things kinda stressful, I don't know where I'm going to be living in a month, I don't know where I'll be working, I don't know if I'll be apart from Dan...we just don't know. I hope to find out in the next few weeks though. Phewf, so that's my work story!
Ok, other than work, we have been travelling quite a bit, well, if you call going to NB June and July it seems that every week end we have had something to go to, I think that we were both home for 1 or 2 weekends out of 6 or 7...weddings, trips to see friends who were moving away, family reunions, marathons...always something! But it's ok, I enjoy it, it's just kinda hard on the wallet and the car always driving 6-8 hours a weekend. My friend Lucas got married in SJ one weekend, my friend John moved away to Japan to teach English 2 weeks ago, so I went to Fredericton to see him, my mom came to Halifax on Canada Day weekend, we had this Flynn family reunion this weekend...busy! I hope that in August things will calm down a bit so that we can stay home and get things ready for the fall, start packing up and whatever, but we will see, we already have one trip planned to go camping on the long week end, and my family is going to the camp on the last week end in August, so we said we would go too, but other than that it should be calm, we'll have 2 or 3 weeks in there to relax.
Hmm, what else? Our one year anniversary is coming up in less than 2 months, which is kind of exciting, it's gone by so quickly, yet it feels like foever ago. Everyone says that the first year of marriage is hard, and I suppose they are right, it was hard, but not in regards to our actual relationship, it was just the circumstances were hard (him working overnights and then heading out to plant trees, always seeming to be out of money) As far and Dan and I go though, things are the same, if not better, between us since we've gotten married, so I can't for expanding our family, I've put that idea on the shelf, and I have no idea how long it will be before it comes off it. I have absolutely no desire to have children yet, and I can't see myself wanting any anytime sounds quite different than how I felt at the beginning of the year, but I think things changed once I saw how I could possibly and actually have a real carreer, I don't want to give that up to have a child, because once I do, the chance might be lost I just don't have the patience for children right now, I can deal with them in small doses but I am quite glad to hand them off to their parents after a few this weekend, I loved hanging out with Sean, he's adorable (I love how he's not afraid to be with other people other than his parents, I hate kids that are clingy, I'm afriad Noah won't be so easygoing once we see him...) and I felt comfortable enough with him, but after seeing how much it affects your entire life and the life of your marriage, I don't think I'd want to start that just yet, Dan and I have plenty of time for that later. We are happy just the two of us, and frankly we're probably too selfish to give a child what it needs just yet. I love my hubby and want him all to myself :)
Ok well I guess that was quite the ramble, I'll try and remember to ramble more once the plans for this year are more definite, since it will have a big impact on us for the next 10's a cute pic of me and Sean from this weekend...ciao todos.