Monday, October 29, 2007


Well, I got some good news over the wekeend:

My wedding dress has finally been sold! It's about time, I've had it since April 06 (one month after getting engaged) and have been trying to sell it since October 06 (one month after getting married.) My mom called me on Friday to tell me that when she called the consignement store in Moncton (the same one where I bought it), to make an appointment to go pick it up (I wanted to try and sell it myself on Kijiji since it wasn't selling), they said that they had already sold that's good I guess. I'm only going to get 150$ for it, which is a third of what I paid for it, but that's ok, I'm just happy that it's finally sold.

Makes me a little bit sad, knowing that it's gone forever, but really, I was never really that attached to it in the first place, it was the 3rd dress I tried on on the first and only visit, and I bought it mostly because it fit, it looked good, I knew Dan would like it, it was cheap, and my mom/sister liked it. If it had been up to me to do whatever I wanted, I would have gotten something completely different (not white, for starters, no back, dramatic jewlery, etc...) It never bothered me sending it back to be sold, though, we needed the money (still do), and there was no point keeping it around to collect dust so that my daughter (if I have any) could make fun of it 20 years later. We have plenty of picture to remind us.

If I hadn't of sold it, the only other thing I would have liked to do would have been to Trash It. But I mean, I could still do that with another cheap white dress on an anniversary or something, it's no big deal. (Trash the Dress, in case anyone doesn't know, is when you go out after your wedding and take pictures of you in your dress in 'messy' places, like in the ocean, in the woods, on the streets, ect, and you 'trash' your dress by laying in the dirt, getting wet, etc...the pics are AWESOME and so much fun!)

Anyway, that's it, the cheque should be getting here sometime this week, which is sooo lucky since we were going to go in the red this week!! It's funny how life throws you a bone every once in awhile... that's all for now, more rambling later this week I suppose...

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Nothing new to report...

I realize that it's been forever since I last posted (although I'm not quite as bad as some family members who shall remain nameless, haha), so I just thought I would write a quick little hello...I'm actually at work now so I can't say much, just wanted to let you all know that things are going well, everything is just flowing along I suppose...Dan still enjoys school, but is not working yet, I still have my job (until Dec 1st at least), I work too much, we are still poor, we still like Halifax, we are still happy :)


Well, besides the occasional bout of stir-craziness and moodiness, but that's just me.

Anyway, more to come later after work! (maybe) In the meantime, here's a picture of Félix in a vampire costume, haha