Thursday, October 23, 2008

Effer (for a change)

I am a scrapping machine! (Getting 2 layouts done in a week qualifies me for being a machine....maybe it's because my cable and Internet went out a few days ago?) Anyway, I saw this lovely lady play the latest Effer Dare I thought to myself "I need to play!" I haven't done an Effer in a really love time, but this one seemed fun and easy to do, it was to scrap about your beauty routine (or in my case, lack of one), or about beauty in general:

Again, sorry for the terrible pic, I really really, REALLY need to get my photo stitch back, since I'm heading towards doing 12X12 layouts again (odd, I know) and taking pics of them at 10pm with the flash ain't workin' for me.

Anyway, pretty easy layout, I've had this vain self-portrait pic forever, and I never really knew what to do with it, but I liked it and wanted to use it, so I knew it would fit for the Dare (it's obvious I'm not wearing make-up as well, ha...hello shiny forehead!). I hand-made the title letters with woodgrain contact paper and used a really old sheet of SLAB paper (that's right, slab!), so I'm very happy about that. 3 scraps, 3 die cuts, 3 flowers, 1 little lady, 3 rub-ons and and 4 brads later, there she be. Journaling's below, basically talking about how I try to wear make-up but never seem to be able to be "one of those girls". I wish I could be, I know it would be better to be one, since I could definitely use the help, but I just can't seem to get my lazy butt in gear when it comes to make-up.

I made her a skirt :)


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