Friday, April 18, 2008

G is for Geneviève who died of ennui...

X # of negatives:

-haven't posted in 4 days, (but i noticed-with regret-every day that i didn't post, so that means it's now a habit, which is good.)

-it's raining today, which is not good. summer, are you coming?

-hubby is sick with some sort of flu, also not good. couldn't stop coughing all night, and had a fever of 101 this morning. hoping he gets better soon.

-parents were supposed to visit this weekend but canceled because of taxes and gas prices. 1.28$ a litre gas people? give me an eff'en break.

-meeting with the bank tomorrow to go over my student loans. they are going to suck me dry, I can feel it. not so cool.

X # of positives:

-going to see a show tomorrow night with heather, the producers, so that should be fun, haven't seen a play yet in this city. i must get out more.

-hoping to finish my dan mini this weekend. it's simple and uncluttered, which is unusual for me, but i want to try it at least once. focus on the words and not the pretty paper.

-got a bunch pretty PP (ha) at the store the other night, for 32 cents each. got to love that.

-signed up to get the Anthropologie catalogues in the mail (i'm always so behind on these things! Talk about swoon though, wow...)

-i could look at this blog all day. sometimes i do.

what's everyone up to this weekend? going to enjoy some sunshine and warmth? well, that's all, back to work, hope everyone has an awesome weekend, and i hope to post my album by sunday, so come take a peek!

365 action:

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