Monday, December 22, 2008

Ok, I am around...

This seems to be a theme with all the blogs I'm reading, but we've all dissapeared lately! My reasons? No Internet at home for over a week...busy with Christmas Internet at home for over a week...not a lot of craftiness to Internet at home for over a week.


I did write out a blog post on my computer at home yesterday (my "goals for XX" post, I'm ahead of the game!) and I was going to bring it on my memory stick to work to post today, but last night we got a super wicked wind/snow storm and our power went out, so I didn't get a chance to load it onto my USB stick, grr. Hopefully the power is on tonight though when I get back from work so that I can load my post, some pics I took lately (mostly Shimi) and-gasp-a layout or 2, plus my mini book! So lots to share soon :)

Oh, and for the fam, in case anyone is wondering, here is out schedule for Christmas:

23rd (evening) --> Drive to Fredericton, stay at Bonnie's house
24th --> Leave in the morning for McAdam; stay with Trev and Sarah overnight; have supper (seafood casserole?) with John, Trev and Sarah and the kids, and hopefully Andrew; go to church in the evening, and Christmas Tree in McAdam (while Dan hides in the basement)
25th --> Spend morning and afternoon in McAdam; have Christmas dinner at Trev and Sarah's; leave McAdam at around 4 or so to drive back to Freddy; spend the evening with Bonnie and Nan
26th --> Leave in the morning for Sussex; spend night at parent's
27th --> Hopefully hang out with Daf and family; maybe go to camp
28th --> Meet friends in the afternoon for coffee; leave after supper for home

Woo, going to be busy!

Well c'est tout for now, hopefully I'll be back tomorrow, if not, I hope everyone has a very Merry and safe Christmas!!


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