Monday, January 4, 2010

I'm living the life of a cat.

Most of you probably know already through my Twitter or Facebook, but last week I went to the doctor's for another ultrasound to see how things were going and although the baby is perfect (a bit large actually!), I found out that I am now at high risk for early delivery (incompetent cervix...look it up if you're interested, ha), so they put me on 'partial bedrest' for the remainder of my pregnancy. Basically it means that I can get up to go to the bathroom, take a shower, make a quick something to eat, but nothing else (I saw online somewhere that it said I shouldn't stand longer than 5 mins at a time). No work, no groceries or shopping, no going out, no laundry or cooking or cleaning, no packing, nada. Which, I must say, has been quite challenging and annoying already, and it's only Day 4. I'm trying really hard to take it easy and rest and to keep my feet up as much as possible, but with all the things that I have left to do before this baby comes, it's quite difficult. I was in shock for most of the first day after they told me, all these thoughts of work and shopping and to-do lists kept piling up in my head and I was panicking a little bit about how everything was going to get done, but I'm trying harder now to realize that my only job at this point is to do everything I can to grow this baby and keep him in for as long as possible (I'd be happy with having him in another 5 weeks, which is still 4 weeks early but still better than having him now). I need to do what I can to get my loose ends at work tied up and get Dan or my family to help out with the baby stuff, and just let the rest go. It's hard, though, really hard.

So that's that. I'll be online way more now since the computer is my only form of entertainment (besides TV, but I'm not too interested in anything except LOST at this point) and communication with the outside world, so expect a lot of blogging from me! I'll also be trying to catch up on my scrapping, doing some sit-on-my-butt organizing activities and writing lots and lots of lists (I already have about 4 started). That, plus naps and occasionally wandering aimlessly around my apartment will be my life.

Much like my cat's.

It's gonna be a long 9 Weeks.


Stephie C said...

Aww hang in there mama and yup you are so right that all you need to try and worry about is keeping that lil guy baking a bit longer ;) your kitty is too cute too btw! awwwww...I am hoping for an early arrival myself but not too early of course! take care!

Bettyann said...

Take care...well you can write a novel, a symphony, knit all the blankets the lil one will need, compose poetry, write a song for baby, paint a series of mini self-protraits..look forward to your blogs...your blogging friend bettyann from vancouver, bc.

Jacynthe said...

Tiens, Geneviève. Un petit quelque chose guarantie de te faire sourire...

All in favor of getting rid of the cat :)hehe

Sarah said...

Hopefully he'll stay put awhile. Just start making some lists for Dan, husbands LOVE lists! And you get to practice giving orders from the couch. These skills will come in handy after the baby is born as well. Keeping you guys in prayer. Good Luck!

Anonymous said...

OH G.... but if that's what it takes to let the little one grow and stay inside a little longer - do it and don't worry about the rest. This is the most important thing, and you know it yourself... maybe you can use the time to count how many grocery- shopping trips you will make in your life after this is done??? Just relax, and it will be OK. I think of you!